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.Wednesday, November 21, 2007 ' 5:50 p.m. Y

Here are my fav postsecrets of this week. Weird how they had em on wed. anyways lol


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.Tuesday, November 20, 2007 ' 7:05 p.m. Y

I wish i could take back everything, i wish i could be little again. My life in ten minutes seems to spiral into the ground. It feels like im losing the people i love left and right. I feel so alone in this world. I feel so alone YOu dont even know.


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.Tuesday, October 30, 2007 ' 5:29 p.m. Y

every week i am going to postmy fav postsecrets of the week here are a fewof mine this week and previous ones


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.Monday, August 06, 2007 ' 9:55 p.m. Y

well i guess i ahvent updated in a super long time... let me break it down in point form lol

-i got a job working for the rm of strathclair! i love my job..
-Countryfest was the best time ive had in a long time
-family moved to alberta July 26th
-became single two weeks ago(i am glad)
-had a great weekend in the peg ( minus the rash i have)
-im going to xfest this weekend!! WHOOO

well lol i really dont have much of a life anymore lol work takes a lot out of me But I am realizing my time is running out with my buddise and that we must party! lol so thats what im going to do the rest of my summer!
maybe i will try to update this thing more! Love ya all


what do you have to do with the RM?? is it like the same thing Curtis had last year, like mowing grass??

hopefully get to hang out with you once or twice more before summer's over!

By Blogger Michele, at Fri Aug 10, 02:51:00 p.m.  

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.Wednesday, June 13, 2007 ' 4:24 p.m. Y

Buried way beneath the sheets I think she's having a meltdown
Finding it hard to fall asleep she won't let anyone help her
The look on her face a waste of time she won't let go gonna roll the dice
Loosing her grace starts to cry I feel her pain when I look in her eyes
I want ta be I want everything, I want everythingSomewhere she is on the streets trying to make things better
Praying to God and breathing deep gotta break this long obsession
If I had everything would I still want to be alive or want to be high [2x]
Now and then she talks to me and sometimes writes me letters
Your eyes, never close your eyes open up your mind and you can have everything

This is seriously the best song ever. lol Thanks to meg n boyle for getting me hooked on it. well i have not posted in forever but nothing is really new with me... baseball has been keeping me busy which is good... OH GOOD NEWS lol My dad said that i could stay for the summer if i wanted to apply for the musuem or town job in strath which is the bestest thing ever lol wow who can believe that there is only 2 more day s of school left then i have two exams.. science on monday was supposed to be thursday but its "national aboriginal day" so i guess we cant have an exam on that day... Tuesday is my precalc exam which i am extremely nervous for i think im going to bomb ahh but oh well lol haha.. well i am off to maybe watch some tv or something i dunno or maybe just jam to some tunes...

Ps excited for grads in sl and strath this year.. going to be a good time


thanks for the comment on my pictures...I really appreciate it :)

By Blogger Yanks4Life23519, at Wed Jun 13, 05:59:00 p.m.  

yay thats exciting that your staying for the summer ! whatabout your bro?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sat Jun 16, 04:38:00 p.m.  


By Blogger Michele, at Sat Jun 16, 10:31:00 p.m.  

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.Thursday, May 24, 2007 ' 4:13 p.m. Y


well Ive been kinda in a bitch of a mood for the past couple days not to sure why... I think its just getting so close until i have to move..I dont think i can do it, I know this school is crap and everything but YOu know Ive grown up here, I have lived most of my life here.. I started school here and with only 2 years left i dont want to have to leave my friends and my boyfriend and my schoolmates... i wanna be here to experience things with my friends.. i wanna be able to graduate with my Kindergarten class.. I am one of the originals.. i wanna finish with them ...there is few of us now..I just dont know if can do it.. I dont think im strong enough or not ready... plus my family is in Manitoba.. Alberta is 12 hours away from them thats a long way.... Especially when they arent getting any younger.. I cant imagine living anywhere else but here I cant even imagine living in a new house... I mean sure theres more opportunites and stuff out there But its so sad when everyone thinks about next year and i think yeah.... next year... where will i be? It honestly feels like im just you know waiting to die.. and i know i shouldnt say that but thats what i feel like

anyways i should go and get ready for ball... Love you all...


katie my love. moving is hard, i know how you feel, leavin everyone behind, and im not gonna lie, it sucks, but you will meet new people, and you can drive, you can come back for visits, and yeah it sucks being so far away from family but you gotta make the most of the time you got left with everyone here, make it the best few months ever. but noone here will ever forget you, and its not like your dead, we will still see ya and talk to ya. and when i get my liscence im gonna come on a road trip and visit you guys ! sound good ?!

By Blogger x valerie-anne, at Fri May 25, 02:20:00 p.m.  

oh katie!
hun i am going to miss you soooo mcuh! i love you!! we are going to have a kick ass rest of the year and an AMAZING summer! ill come visit. promise.
love you dear
are we ddoing any thing this weekend?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Fri May 25, 04:12:00 p.m.  

Katie, I know exactly how you feel. You're a cool chick though you will make lots of friends. Okay so I know you're sitting there thinking "So what if I make new friends, I like the ones I got", but I can honestly say that since I have moved here I have made amazing friends and you will too. It takes time, there's no doubt about that but once you meet people you will have an amazing time. You just have to take what life throws at you and make the most of it.

And hey I live in Saskatoon for 8 months of the year. Get yourself into Saskatoon and I'll bring you home to visit on my weekends I go home. Or if anyone from around here wants to go visit you they can get themselves into Saskatoon and we will come party it up with you!!

When exactly do you leave? We will have to have a big goodbye party for ya!!

laters, :)

By Blogger Gill, at Sun May 27, 08:51:00 p.m.  

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.Wednesday, May 16, 2007 ' 11:11 p.m. Y

HEY well hoyl crap its been like years!!! well i have been really busy with ball and everything like this weekend is my first weekend in 3 weeks with nothing on... k heres some updates! The last weekend in april i went to the United States OF America!! lol yay! It was a good time had a bit of a girls weekend with auntie andrea and the girls and me n mom! bought a new shirt, two new bras from victorias secret :D and a $5 purse from Old navy! haha sweet i know lol haha ok so then two weekends ago i went to Vegreville... hmm not at all what i expected would rather move to a small town called viking about half an hour away from VEG(thats what everyone calls it 8-)) lol its about 20 minutes away from where Dad works.. WELL it was an alright time except when we decided to go to edmonton..yikes little tension between everyone then.. Dont wanna talk bout it .. SO then this past weekend our highschool girls team was off to winkler to play some ball! lol First game 38-0 for us.... lol what can we say we batted twice lol ..Played cross lake... Then we played boissevain and lost like 13-something lol dont know.. Then on sat we played pilot mound and lost 10-3 or soemthing THEN we played neepawa and had a really good game but came up 2 runs shorts for a 5-3 loss lol oh well then more ball this week.. lol MOnday played hamiota here.. WE play double headers each time cus theres only 3 teams in the division so lol We lost our first game and got rained out in the second so we finish that one up next week when we go to play on wednesday... TOday we went to russell and got beat 10-0 or osmething lol then we only lost the 2nd one 5-0 so lol imporvement lol then were off to brandon tomorrow to play with Russell..me n megs play out of russell on a midget team i think thats what we are?lol no idea lol but anyways thats whats new in my life! lol Pretty Nuts! lol

Ya'll Have a Good May Long Weekend...Let me Know if any parties are happening..
peace out a-town


haha i just wanted to say hi lol! see ya laters...lol im not sure im i going to your house or megs house lol! ill just remember to follow yo ulol! haha laters

By Blogger Brittany, at Thu May 17, 11:05:00 a.m.  


By Anonymous Anonymous, at Fri May 18, 11:21:00 p.m.  

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The Name; Katie
The Age; 16 going on 17
I now live in vegreville, albeta


To go back to manitoba
cell phone




Kimmy D


Brushes:Adobe Photoshop, x x
Leave the credits alone, thanks :D